Kindergarten 1
Ages (4-5):
Children whose fourth birthday falls on October 31st or before October 31st of the current year are eligible to attend Kindergarten 1.
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
Kindergarten 1 Curriculum Overview:
Social Studies and Sciences
All activities promote awareness through different hands on exploration through related videos and songs, as well as links to pictures, worksheets and activities ( art activities, social interactions, experiments and educational trips)
Topics include:
- Myself (Basic Body parts, Senses, and proper hygiene)
- Life science ( Living things basic needs, living things life cycle, Plants and animals)
- Earth and Space science (Different physical properties of land and water forms, Weather, Solar System)
- My Community (Transportations, Community helpers)
- Countries (People, Costumes, Flags,famous places and landmarks)
- Different Holidays (National Symbols)
- Math
All activities aim to develop critical and higher order thinking skills through hands on and varied developmentally appropriate methods. Topics include:
- one-to-one correspondence
- mastery of numbers and counting from 0-100
- numerical and word forms
- sequencing, comparing numbers and using equality signs
- basic and complete shapes, basic polygons
- measurement (sorting and classifying objects)
- addition and subtraction of single/double digit numbers,
- number concepts for place value
- telling time by the hour and half hour
- recognizing single and double patterns
- skip counting by 10’s , 5’s and 2’s using the number line
Language Arts Curriculum
All activities are geared to further develop listening, writing and talking skills in English through appropriate and engaging activities focusing on developing skills below:
- The child expresses thoughts, experiences, wants, needs and feelings through phrases and sentences in English.
- The child understands and follows written and verbal two or more step directions successively in English.
- The child masters the alphabet letters (name, form and sound) to be able to read and spell CVC words, common consonant blends, diphthongs and digraphs in words, phrases and sentences and matches it to pictures for comprehension.
- The child uses common pronouns in conversations and nouns in naming pictures through daily conversations and discussions with peers and teachers.
- The child reads common sight words and high frequency words in sentences and stories through the GINN READER, BOB BOOKS and OXFORD READING TREE PROGRAM BOOKS.
Gross and Motor Skills
This area focuses on the body and on physical experience and is an integral part of the educational process. Learning opportunities are created through the different movement experiences, challenges and play. With these activities, positive attitudes such as cooperating with others, building self-esteem, accepting success and failure as well as playing fairly are also developed. This aims to contribute to their overall development to help them lead full, active and healthy lives.
- Jumping
- Skipping
- Walking in Line
- Running
- Throwing and Catching a ball with two hands
- Climbing playground equipment
- Using writing and art materials correctly