
Kidergarten 2 ICA School


AGES (5-6):

Children whose fifth birthday falls on October 31st or before October 31st of the current year are eligible to attend Kindergarten 2.


Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 12:30 am

Kindergarten 2 Curriculum Overview:

Social Studies and Science

Each week Kindergarten 2 students are introduced to many Social Studies and Science topics as well. They are encouraged to be engaged in integrating the natural flow of activities in school and at home. Different learning activities give opportunities for the students’ artistic self-expression like drawing painting, collage-making and exploration activities in their environment.

Moreover, it aims to develop good work habits like working independently, following directions, listening attentively to others and by stimulating different senses by participating actively in different classroom activities.

Topics include home: (self, family, friends), my community (community helpers, holiday celebrations); natural sciences (animal, plants, weather, planet earth, solar system); Science and Technology; health and safety (body parts, food groups, different clothings and kinds of transportation).


Math in Kindergarten 2 aims to show understanding in the following categories such as Number Sense (count, read, write, compare, and order whole numbers to 100, know the place value of numbers and comparing numbers), Measurement and Geometry (compare the length, weight, and volume of objects, tell time to the nearest half hour, an hour, quarter to and quarter past; name polygons and their number of sides). Data Analysis (use of pictures, bar graphs, tally charts) and Computation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division); sum or difference of 2 whole numbers up to three digits; simple multiplication and division with the use of illustrations and manipulatives.

Language Arts

The Kindergarten 2 curriculum is designed to engage students in a range of experiences and interactions. It creates opportunities for balance and integration among the six strands of Language Arts which include: speaking and listening, reading and viewing and writing and representing.

Topics included in the given subject areas are as follows:


  • Grammar
  • Listening and Speaking
  • Viewing, Representing, Reading and Writing


  • Phonics
  • Decoding (CVC, Word Patterns, Rhyming Words, Words with Silent e, sight words)
  • Comprehension Skills
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